Wednesday, March 30, 2011

And he is...

... back at home. I am so happy over it. The bed feels half empty, when he has not slept there, but I do understand, that we all need to make work and I got a nice present so, I can't complain that much.

Today has been a nice day. At least, when we talk about weather. Nice, warm and sunny.
In the morning we had also some work and in afternoon we visited our new costumers. We signed under for 2 new contracts and both are for 1 year. Tomorrow, it might be, that costumers sister will contact us as well.
I also got today new pattern. Now I can make a nice napkin rings. That feels so good. My idea is also, that I will make that kind of napkin rings for our wedding dinner. My dear fiancee got idea about, that it could be nice, if costumers will take each his/hers napkin rings with them as a small memory of our wedding. That I felt was a nice idea. In my opinion they are looking very nice and beautiful and are giving a color for the table.

Now, we have talked a little with my dear fiancee. Just relaxing a little and soon it will be time to find a pillow, since tomorrow will be a long day again.

Sleep well and Good night.

Napkin ring,

Today I got new pattern. Now I also can make napkin rings, what are home made and can be that color as you want. So, if you are interested to have a nice daisy's in your table, you are welcome to contact me and we can discuss about different materials and colors.

Dagens visdomsord / Today's words of wisdom,

Hur känns det att vara i harmoni med Universum?

Det är samma känsla som när du flyter på vatten. Om du är spänd. eller om du gör motstånd mot vattnet, kommer du att sjunka. Om du överlämnar dig åt vattnet kommer det att bära upp dig och du kommer att flyta. Det är så det känns, och det är så du kan harmonisera dig med universum.

Släpp alla spänningar och flyt!

How does it feel to be in harmony with the Universe?

It's the same feeling as when you are floating on the water. If you are tense. or if you resist the water, you will sink. If you abandon yourself to the water, it will bear you up and you will float. That is how it feels, and it is so you can harmonize yourself with the universe.

Release all tension and float!