Saturday, August 23, 2014

25 years from the the Baltic Way,

Today celebrates Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania 25 years from the Baltic Way, when around 2 million persons standing hand in hand in a line 600 km long and had mass demonstration towards it's own freedom and independence from Russia. In that time I was only 10 years old, but still remember it. A lot of people from my home town went to next town, to be part of the chain. Together with that kind of demonstration we also had singing revolution and first time our flag was out again since 1939. All this maybe has made me feel that I am proud Estonian in my heart even thought I live and have live 1/3 years from my life abroad. That was proof that demonstrations can be also peaceful. Not like today we hear from the news.
More can be read about Baltic Way: 
It shows how fast time just flies. So many years from all that. 3 days ago celebrated Estonia 23 years since they gained re-independence.

Friday, August 22, 2014

Hello 70'es,

Today is a happy day for me. Finally I have got 7 as my first number on my weight. I can't believe it. Just before I decided to step on the scale I had talked with my family in Estonia and I had told that I am bit over 80. I just can't say how happy I am. My husband just laughed over me, when I made my happy dance :D That little or much, depends how to take, I was really in 6th or 7th grade.
My road to here, has not been easy. It has been very long and very hard but I have had support from home in Estonia and my family and close friends here in Sweden. Without them, I believe that I could have not get so far. I love my husband and family and friends for that support. Thank you, that you have been here for me.
Me happy. Little me is very, very happy :P Just bit over 20 kg to go :P To my own goal.
Have a nice evening,

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

I have runned again,

Today is a little bit big day for me. Some people would say, what is new on it, or it is nothing, it is not a big distance and so on and on. For me, it is a big day. For me to run almost 1 km without any break or walking, it is big step on my road.
When I came in and started to think, when was a last time, when I could run that kind of trip before without any break or walking, when I could consider, that it must have been, when I was 10-11 years old. So at least more than 20 years ago. Before the longest distance I could run was around 200 m and after that I had to take a stop or walk slowly, for take a pulse down, so when I could run today this distance without any break, I felt little bit proud of myself.
I also have now inaugurated my new shoes I bought in Örebro, when me and my husband had our vacation trip in Sweden 2 weeks ago. I must admit, I could never had dream that I would run one day again and I would really enjoy it as I did it today. I think that even my small black 4-leged friend was surprised, since she just run with me all the way. She even forgot to do her needs. First after we came home, she did the things, why we was out in a first place. Thihi :D
It was good feeling and I know that it was just a beginning for me. Next time for my running trip is not far anymore. It gave me just so much energy and good feelings. I am very happy over me and how far I have come on my road. Not an easy road, but it is my road. Now I am one more step closer towards my goal for much more smaller me.

Monday, August 11, 2014

One year,

Today it is exactly one year since that day, what changed so much for me in my life. I can't say that it was an good change, but change what showed me later who are wrong people in my life.
Exactly a year ago, I was on my way home from Jönköping, when I lost the control over my car and drove into another cars trailer. In one way very lucky accident and another way very unlucky accident. An lucky accident because if the car from opposite side of road had drove slower, I would had contact exactly with drivers door and I might have damaged him, so that i hit trailer, it made that accident an lucky one. On the other side that accident was very unlucky for me, since I did not manage to get out of it with no damages. In that accident had inevitable damages for me. I damaged my shoulder and unfortunately very seriously. No luck on my side that day. A year after, I still have problems with the shoulder and still taking every day strong painkillers. Most sad is, that there seems to be some people, who does not believe that pains are there, since damage is inside and not outside. Had I lost arm or leg or broke something visible, when perhaps some skeptics would had believed.
This accident was also the beginning of so many changes in my life. It changed my working abilities, it changed first people in my life. It showed, who is shallow persons and who are real.
Today, a year later since the beginning of changes, it has been time to learn, time to feel and most definitely time  to be patient. Lessons for how to be more patient have been most hardest, since I am not the patient person. To be patient and to give the time - two things or more likely words, what I just do not to want to hear anymore. Have a wait a half a year the shoulder operation, since first they wanted to see that I would get some movement to shoulder back and how much pain it will do, when it was planned into June and later I got to know that I have to wait until the vacation times is over. Will see how long time I have to wait. At least this is not the experience and feelings I would like even my enemies to feel, or perhaps some. Might be that after that, they would understand that all this is not a joke, that this is true and feelings and pains are true.
It was just how and where I had my thoughts today. Thoughts, feelings, imaginations, and still I am back in point there I have to be patient and just give the time. One year since I had to say goodbye to my blue purse and get to used to with the new black one. Life and it's adjustments. I am just happy that I am alive and the accident was an lucky unlucky one. Beginning of my own adjustments what I was need really perhaps. Or maybe not, we never get to know.
Sleep well,