Saturday, April 2, 2011


Today has been wonderful day. Now only I will go bed, since it was not like I had planned :) But it was still wonderful.

Sleep well and good night!

The first step in forgiveness is the willingness to forgive. If you can state, despite your resistance, your willingness to see the spiritual innocence, the light in the soul of one who has harmed you, you have begun the journey to a deep and unshakable peace.

Dagens visdomsord / Today's words of wisdom,

Vad beror det på att de bästa och tjusigaste bilarna hålls oklanderligt rena och fina av sina ägare, medan äldre bilar ofta är smutsiga och stökiga inuti?

Skillnaden är bevisen på uppskattning.

Uppskattning av det du har ger dig det du vill ha.

Det var så de här människorna kunde dra till sig en finare bil.

What is it that the best and most fancy cars are kept immaculately clean and fine their owners, while the older cars are often dirty and noisy inside?

The difference is evidence of appreciation.

Estimate of what you have gives you what you want.

That's how these people could be attracted to a fancy car.