Thursday, April 7, 2011

Another day has gone to evening,

and new day will soon start. Today's day has been full of work, doings and same time mood has been, like nothing want to be made. Days are not always the same, same is with moods and feelings. Even a small thing can turn good day up-side-down and make in bad in the end. For me, it has been today one of those days. Will see, how it will be tomorrow. In my dreams, tomorrow will be nice and sunny and good day, but if I am looking and thinking of it in the same time, when it will be most likely as it was today.

But we can't have good days everyday, even if we want. It does not go together with law of life.
Today came also big news from Estonia. They are saing that our king of skiing have used banned hormones, and that A and B samples was both positive. Many people does not believe it and I hope it is true, since he has done so much hard work, do win those medals in wold cups and in Olympic games.On the other hand, it will be very sad, if all this will be truth.

Else I have made napkin rings again. Now I have done 11 so 49 is still to go, but I am sure, that they will be done before wedding together with flowers. Else, it will be more sad, since there is so much we have turned down on our wedding. But on the other hand, reasons why we have been needed to do it, are having also very nice end result. We both at least are happy for that and waiting so much that time. Will see when it happens, will it take less than 2 years or all full 4 years. Hopefully less time.

Today I got also helper to make our napkin rings. This helper had 4 feets, he is grey and fury and thinks that he is ruling in my room. Will see what he will do tomorrow :D

In weekend they promise a nice weather for Saturday. For me, it will be 2 things, no 3 things, what I will need to do: 1) Sleep long, 2) Fix things in the Garden and 3) Make more napkin rings. In that, has to also fit time for good book, coffee and for enjoy the sunny day and spring. 
Now, I want to wish you all good night. I will go and spend bit time with my fiancée in front of the TV and later it will be bed and my pillow, what is waiting me.

Sleep well and good night!

In order to truly communicate, we must take responsibility for the heart space that exists between us and another. It is that heart space, or the absence of it, that will determine whether communication is miraculous or fearful.  

Dagens visdomsord / Today's words of wisdom,

Du kan förändra din livsväg från mörker till ljus eller från negativ till positiv. Varenda gång du inriktar dig på det positiva bjuder du in mer ljus i ditt liv, och du vet ju att ljuset jagar bort allt mörker. Tacksamhet, kärlek och vänliga tankar och handlingar bjuder in ljuset och gör slut på mörkret.

Fyll ditt liv med positivistetens ljus.

You can change your life path from darkness to light, or from negative to positive. Every time you target the positive invite more light in your life, and you know that the light chases away all darkness. Gratitude, love and kind thoughts and actions invite the light and put an end to darkness.

Fill your life with positive ice tea's light.