Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Water Intensive,

It is Wednesday and middle of the week. In the morning we had work and now in the evening I had time for my gym training again.
Today's pass what I had chosen was Water Intensive again. This time it had different trainer and it is easy to see, which trainer is better and who is not that good. Now I have had 2 different passes with same type of training program. I have experienced different trainers and I must admit, I liked my Sundays Water Intensive more, when I had today. Today I felt like it was missing harder training. Most was easy things and felt like did not trained that hard as I felt after the training on Sunday. In the same time I believe that that might be change. Seems that not every time there will be same trainer :) So, Now I we just have to wait next week to see, how it would be :)
Anyway, it was good to be gym again. Tomorrow will be new day again :)

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