Saturday, October 15, 2011


Today me and my love got home new coffee machine. It earns its name. Looks out like a small ufo, with its round body. The easy one to use and has many possible coffee tastes and that was what made us to choose it :) We have talked a while about to have a capsule machine. It was not plan that we buy it today, we planned to wait until to sale after the Christmas, but when we went to shop today to return some things, what did not work properly and we had got new instead them, when there was demonstration of Dolce Gustos capsule machines and prices was a lot lower that usually, so we made fast decision to have it now, since we saved over half a thousand crowns and that counts a lot.
We have run the test drive and it works very well :) That does not mean, that our other ordinary coffee maker will be thrown out. It will be used when we are more persons and we need to make more coffee. Me on the other hand, getting faster my latte or cappuccino :)

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