Sunday, June 21, 2015

Strawberrie croissant

Yesterday I decided to make one of my meal something good. I decided to make croissants with strawberries and quark creme. Since it was good, I decided to share it with you.
I made it bit easy way and had ready made puff pastry, you can make your own if you have bit more time.



1 package puff pastry
1 egg
1 tablespoon sugar
1/2 teaspoon salt 

200 gr vanilla quark
2 dl Whip cream
1/2 teaspoon cardamom

Powder sugar

Baking the croissants:
1. Put a own to 225 degrees. Cut out squares in size of 12-15 cm. Divide them as triangles.Roll together.
2. Put the croissants on the baking plate. Whip up egg with sugar and salt and brush the croissants with egg.
3. Bake them 5-10 minutes or until they get a nice golden brown color.

Whip up whip cream. Mix with hand quark and cardamom in. Make sure that it is well mixed but be careful that you don't whip it hard, since it might happen that whip cream will be butter instead.

Divide croissants to half. Take a good spoon creme and put on the croissant half's. Slice strawberries and top the croissants. Top bit with a powder sugar.

I can say that they tastes really good. Can kill for them.

Bon appetit!

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