Sunday, May 8, 2011

Flower girl,

We got an honor do have a small wonderful girl as our flower girl. In the morning, when she arrived together with her mother, she did not recognized us at first, since we had got make up, very nice hair styles and we had put a clothes on, what we do not use on every day. That all made us bit different from compared, what she has seen before. That made, that boor little had tears in her eyes and did not want to let her mother to go. But ll it ended very well. She spend her time with us and made our day more full of smile and laughs. What a wonderful time it was for us. She just was so cute and she looked so lovely our with her dress with hearts on. Fitted very well to her and our wedding as well with her flowers and everything. She just looked so heart warming for everyone and all thought how wonderful she was.


Signe Kivimäe said...

Nii nunnu pisike :) Ja kleit on tõesti ideaalne, TEIE päeva jaoks :)

Ingrit said...

Aga see pisike neiu ongi meie nunnuke ja kleit oli just selleks päevaks muretsetud :) See sobis meie päiksekesele väga hästi :)