Sunday, May 8, 2011

My maid of honor,

I was very happy over my maid of honor. She helped me during a wedding day a lot and I am very thankful for her for that. Her day started also already early in the morning as mine. Her evening was also longer as mine ;)

It was wonderful. She had made her own nice long dress. I helped her a little with it, but most work she made her self. She made even a nice scarf what fitted with dress.

Together with our host couple and toast madame they had thought nice games for us, what we had as entertainment for our wedding guests :) Thank you Kristi for wonderful time and all your help with our wedding.


Kristi said...

Millised kaunitarid me ikka oleme. Kallid sulle

Ingrit said...

Aga me olemegi seda ja vahel on kena end näha ka teistsugusena, mitte argipäevaselt :) Tore oli see köik ja suured tänud sulle, et seda päeva meiega jagasid ja et sa üldse olemas oled. Suured suured kallid sulle meie poolt ja suured kallid sulle ka minu poolt :)